Is there any way to know how many people are searching for an inquiry on eBay or Amazon?

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Q&A ProCategory: eCommerceIs there any way to know how many people are searching for an inquiry on eBay or Amazon?
Philip Stevens asked 6 years ago
1 Answers
Dani Avitz Staff answered 6 years ago
Internet search engines are useful not only to shoppers for finding the products they want but also to sellers wanting to know what’s popular and worthy of selling. Sellers always want to know the sales volume of items on eBay and Amazon. Both marketplaces keep this data secret, but with the right product research tools, you can determine the popularity and likelihood of a product selling. Algopix’s sales estimator can be used to determine the overall sales for a product on Amazon. The platform also provides useful insights for both eBay and Walmart. Another way to analyze the search volume of a product is to look at how much search volume it’s receiving through Google AdWords. This feature is also conveniently included in Algopix for any products that you are researching
  • Searches per month
  • Cost per click
  • Bidding competition insight
  • Cost per acquisition
For any product you might want to sell, this data is available at your fingertips and accelerates your business’s decision-making when it comes to choosing products. Plus, the platform lets you know which countries are the most interested in the product through Adwords. We’ve made it easier than ever for you to see the sales volume for products you are interested in. Try Algopix today to take advantage of this feature.